To select a webinar to watch, click on the icon in the top right corner of the video above (It's in the shape of three horizontal bars and a triangle). You can also view the videos by visiting the webinar playlist in the ANN YouTube Channel.

The playlist of Math & Numeracy PD Webinars includes:

Understanding (some of) the Geometry Formulas on the GED Math Formula Sheet - Mark Trushkowsky (96 minutes)
Instructional Routines for Numeracy Instruction (Fraction Talks, Would You Rather?, Always-Sometimes-Never) - E. Appleton, A. Lew, D. Crescitelli (61 minutes) 
Instructional Routines for Numeracy Instruction (Clothesline Math, Slow Reveal Graphs) - E. Appleton & M. Trushkowsky (70 minutes)

Numeracy Routines That Develop Language - Connie Rivera (1 hour, 8 minutes)

Making Sense of Percents - Aren Lew (57 minutes)
The Adult Numeracy Network (ANN) is Here For You! - Amy Vickers (53 minutes)
Mathematical Patterns: Symmetry in Design - Mark Trushkowsky (35 minutes)
Proportional Reasoning - Strategies That Makes Sense - Aren Lew (1 hour, 13 minutes)
Algebra: A Balancing Act - Patricia Helmuth (59 minutes) 
Strategies for Teaching Algebra to Adult Learners - Lynda Ginsburg (57 minutes)
Some Numbers Walk into a Language Class - Abby Roza & Liddy Rich (1 hour and 25 minutes)
The Adult Numeracy Network Presents: Put on Your Own Math Before Assisting Students (Working with Area Models) - Heidi Schuler-Jones & Stephanie Stewart  (1 hour)
Rethinking Fractions - Melissa Braaten  (53 minutes)
Exploring Algebraic Thinking in a Math Teachers Circle - Eric Appleton, Solange Farina & Mark Trushkowsky  (1 hour and 5 minutes)
Overcoming Math Anxiety - Cynthia Bell (53 minutes)
Sense-Making vs Answer-Getting in Our Math Classrooms - Eric Appleton & Mark Trushkowsky  (1 hour, 58 minutes)
Uncovering Coherence Using Area Models - Connie Rivera & Amy Vickers (1 hour and 3 minutes)
First Steps in Preparing for College Math - Pam Meader  (50 minutes)
The Big Picture in Math: Four Concepts the Books Need to Teach Dorothea Steinke  (51 minutes)



Sound professional development in adult education mathematics should be designed to:

  • begin with teachers as mathematics learners and thinkers.
  • be a continuing process that is connected to curriculum and assessment standards, program policy and instruction and current research. 
  • be welcoming and accessible to all – to literacy and language teachers as well as to those who primarily teach mathematics. 
  • be evaluated with respect to its impact on teacher behavior in relation to increased student learning.


Professional development opportunities should focus on improving teachers’ abilities to:

  • establish a deep understanding of the mathematics of the curriculum and its principles.
  • understand how adults’ mathematical knowledge develops, how to recognize previous misconceptions, and how to assess and engage prior knowledge.
  • use a broad range of instructional strategies that utilize a variety of materials to accomplish learning goals.
  • understand how research can be used to improve their effectiveness as teachers. 

Are there other webinars about Math & Numeracy with Adult Learners you think should be included on this page? Click HERE to let us know!

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