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Please join AIR, the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) for a webinar on Wednesday, September 25th to discuss the latest Financial Literacy results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), an international assessment of 15-year-olds. The webinar will include results from the recent 2022 release as well as comments on the implications for policy around youth financial education mandates and opportunities that exist to bring equity in the area of youth financial education. Topics include:
Registrants will be given the opportunity to submit questions during the webinar.
Presenter: Samantha Burg, U.S. PISA National Director, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
Discussant: Sangeetha Malaiyandi, Financial Well-being Researcher, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Moderator: Lyn Haralson, Financial Education Program Analyst, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
About the RISE Webinar Series The Research on International Studies in Education (RISE) Webinar Series showcases research using data from international studies and promotes sharing and discussion about how data-based evidence can be used for improving educational outcomes. The RISE Webinar Series is organized by AIR. To receive emails about RISE and invitations to upcoming webinars, please email