Nepantla Teachers Community will be offering virtual cohorts for educators to serve as a bridge for teachers who want to make lasting changes in their classrooms against racism and oppression. The cohorts will be groups of 12 teachers working together to reflect and collaborate on anti-racism in the math classroom.
Nepantla Cohort Benefits
*Work together in a community for motivation, inspiration, and accountability
*Receive guidance and resources from facilitators who are experienced math educators
*Context-specific professional development (making changes for your specific context)
*Focus on making an actionable impact in the classroom or school
*Learn more about other math education and social justice organizations
*CPDU credits through partnership with Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics
*Access to NTC events with invited expert speakers/panels on social justice and math education
Nepantla Cohort Member Commitments:
*10 weeks
*1 hour per week virtual meeting
*optional weekly reading/video
If you are interested, fill out this interest form and they will email you first when new cohorts become available.